The Connor Brothers
"It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible". The Connor Brothers defy analysis and expectation, simply because they intend to. Their art was born from a desire to make each other laugh and discuss their feelings within a culture where admission alone can be taboo. Through their work and activism, they encourage viewers to laugh, ridicule, or open up about how they perceive the world around them. The pair broke into the art world as Franklyn and Brendan Connor, escapees from a Christian cult that cut them off from modern society as children. After fleeing at the age of 16 they were bombarded with new images and experiences that they struggled to understand. Straining to create order, they processed the new world through sketchbooks that would eventually blossom into a series of paintings. These pieces would in turn be sold at auction houses and galleries around the world.